Saturday, August 17, 2013

8/2/13 Being Present

No expectations; being present; simple but not easy. To be still water in a world of noise and movement; to seek the spaces in between action; to be open to another voice besides the one in my waking mind, simple but not easy. There are many techniques for meditation, it doesn’t seem to matter which one I use, so far meditation is the best way to be in the present moment. As I sit emptying my mind of prerecorded thoughts, of exterior influences like clothes; discomfort, noisy appliances, neighbors, birdsong, traffic, a golden calm settles over me. The longer I can maintain my presence in the moment the calmer I get. This sense of peace promotes joy as I go through my day. Joy, a state of being that is new to me. Joy must be the absence of worry, guilt, and shame, things that belong in the past or future. Not only am I more joyful, I’m healthier in my body. Taking those few minutes to center myself and calm my mind make such a profound difference in my day. I wonder why I don’t do it every single day, but it’s a fairly new feeling, joy. More familiar are regret and worry, so it’s no wonder that I slip so easily into these thoughts and forget the more beneficial possibilities, possibilities that require such a small amount of time and effort. Simple but not easy, change requires action. Action brings results. Progress not perfection, it’s the way of the human!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013



I am. That is a complete sentence. But what am I? Am I the culmination of all the days of my life or am I the ideals I strive for? I think it’s something in between. At times I’m the bundle of character defects from my early training, at others I’m the person I strive to be. Uncertain in my skin, I keep trying to be someone better than I have been. Analyzing, always, my actions, my words, my thoughts. In the moments when I am, simply am, present and complete in the moment, I find peace, gratitude even, for the blessed fact of my humanity. The striving is necessary to be sure, but the being is the payoff, the reward for all the difficult work involved in evolving. Meditate, attune yourself with spirit. Clear away the negative thoughts. Find a way to be at peace, even for just one moment, in this cacophony we call life. Just be.