Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Light and darkness. Love and fear. Yin and yang. Thought and action. Peace and war. Fed or hungry. Answers and questions. We cannot exist without a balance of dark and light. A seed cannot grow without the darkness of the earth to germinate it. So it is with humans. If we spend too much time in the light we lose our perspective of the necessary cycles of growth, we burn out or become blind to new possibilities. Too much time in the dark can paralyze us and foster disease. Reflection, contemplation, rest, listening, meditation - the healing aspects of the dark - all bring us back into the light with renewed vigor.

Our society has defined darkness as being a negative force, something to fear, when in reality it is a time of learning and healing.

The mainstream media would have us believe that our world is tipping into darkness/fear but that’s just not possible. The universe demands balance. For darkness there must be an equal measure of light. Those who work on the side of light see hope and fulfillment in our future, those who work on the side of dark/fear see devastation and pain. Yes, we may live to see our race destroyed, and yes we may see the earth renewed. But more importantly; how do we perceive our part in all of this? Are we bringers of light, doing all we can to recognize the positive action all around us and contribute as we may? Or are we contributing to darkness/fear by focusing on disaster? We have a choice in all of this. Find your balance; embrace the light and the dark in equal measure. Question and listen, act and rest, get hungry and eat, learn and grow, recognize the problems and find the solutions. Is the problem your mindset, your attitude? Usually that’s a good place to start. When negativity/fear pipes up flip it to positivity. You jerk!/You nice guy! What a terrible day!/How can I improve this day? Get out of my way, I’m running late!/How can I help keep traffic moving smoothly? Look at that bum!/That person needs help. I can’t figure this out./I need to get some help. You get the idea.

If the TV news leaves you fearful, watch a nature program instead. You have a choice. Put down the gun and pick up a shovel, plant a tree, plant a dozen trees, then go home and rest. If you are angry or afraid, find someone you trust and express your feelings then look for solutions. 

Find the healing darkness and the energizing light, they are the true gifts of the universe.